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What is hair botox and what is it for?

Capillary botox is a cocktail of vitamins, amino acids, proteins, hyaluronic acid and collagen that nourishes and moisturizes the hair as well as repairs the deterioration caused over the years. Its 100% natural formula was specifically designed for damaged hair to restore its health and reduce the damage it suffers every day.

Have you noticed any of these changes in your hair?

Weak hair?
Loss of brightness?

Many split ends?


Over the years the hair has a tendency to weaken and its growth is less and grow less..

Not only that, but the external agents that you face every day such as temperature changes, solar radiation and environmental pollution make your hair duller and more broken.

And watch out for cosmetics! If you have used dyes or products with silicones or sulfates, it is normal that your hair no longer looks like it used to.
Over the years the hair has a tendency to weaken and its growth is less and less.

Not only that, but the external agents that you face every day such as temperature changes, solar radiation and environmental pollution make your hair duller and more broken.

And watch out for cosmetics! If you have used dyes or products with silicones or sulfates, it is normal that your hair no longer looks like it used to.

A treatment worthy of beauty salons

Surely you relate the word "botox" with facial treatment. It is not a coincidence because the results that hair botox has on the hair would be the same as on the skin: reduce wrinkles and give volume. You may have already seen it in beauty salons, and that is where its use has spread the most due to its high degree of effectiveness. Luckily, new scientific developments have made it possible to bring home a treatment that could only be done in a beauty salon (and obviously it would cost up to X5 times more).

How does it apply?

Kertox can be used anywhere thanks to its spray format.

You just have to apply it evenly throughout the hair and massage it with your hands or a comb so that it is well and distributed throughout the hair.

With Kertox you will achieve incredible hair throughout the day and with a super pleasant smell.

And thanks to its format you can take it with you wherever you want!

Also, depending on how you apply it, you will achieve a different effect:


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Instant Results

You don't have to use Kertox for months to see results. You will notice them from the first moment!

Its properties will protect your hair as well as give it shine, silkiness and completely de-frizz it from its first use.

Long-term results

Its continued use will not leave you indifferent!

If you are looking to fill your hair to give it a sensation of volume and repair your hair fibers, use it for 1 month and you will see how your hair looks different.

A thousand benefits with a single product (natural)

Kertox's vegetable formula acts from the roots to the ends to solve the greatest challenges that hair faces.

1.Multiplies X9 hydration

2.Returns the natural shine

3. Repair split ends

4. Strengthens and nourishes hair fibers

5. Fill in the hair

6. Increases resistance to thermal damage by 53%

7. Smoothes and detangles
